Dream it, Wish it, Do it.

Originally Posted: January 14, 2021

“Dream It, Wish It, Do It,  resonates with me. These words are simple and right to the point.  I am a big dreamer and find them helpful in moving forward with life’s decisions.  I wish things into happening  by sending out positive affirmations into the world.  I “do it” by taking charge of my actions and finding my inner peace.  These words are hung in my home and are a daily reminder to my personal mantra.  Always being true to our inner peace and carving out time for self care is so important to our happy spirit. It is not always easy and life throws us so many twists and turns.  What we allow in and how we process our external experiences also plays into the whole picture. I am a work in progress and I own it.  As long as I dream, wish and do, I am good to go.


Woohoo Road Trippin’ 2021


Do You Dream? Do Your Dreams Come True? Act Now, Coastal Walker’s Dream is Alive!